Simply put, what does your company do?
We investigate and identify lost, forgotten, and abandoned property as well as dormant and unclaimed assets. Once we locate such properties we immediately locate the legal owners, and represent them in the recovery process.
How could I have missing assets? What could they possibly stem from?
Dormant assets often belong to people who have passed away. Situations such as divorce, death, relocation, job loss, and business hardship are common reasons assets become dormant, lost, or ignored. It is possible that a relative had investments, insurance policies, or bank accounts that you did not know about at the time of their death because it is not uncommon for financial matter to be overlooked during a time of stress.
Is there a difference between Unclaimed and Dormant assets?
Dormant assets – are typically stocks, bonds, checking, savings, or retirement accounts which have had no activity for an extended period of time. Unclaimed assets – are typically insurance policy benefits, inheritance, un-cashed cashier’s checks, deposits, refunds, sales proceeds, escrow monies, judicial settlements etc., that have never been claimed or the attempt to claim the asset failed.
How do I know this isn’t some kind of scam?
We will never ask for any payment of any kind up front, nor do we ask for any personal, or banking, information not relevant to your claim. All costs incurred by us in locating assets along with administrative, miscellaneous and required legal fees, are borne by us. We are paid a small percentage of the total recovered asset amount. Our small fees are regulated and in full accordance with each state’s laws.
What is the cost of your services?
Each case is unique. Fees are determined by what is required to document ownership, the risk we take relative to the amount we must spend to prove ownership, and the anticipated difficulty in recovering the assets on your behalf. Service fees are fully disclosed in advance.
Do I have to pay any money up front to use your service?
No fees are charged up front, ever. Nor are there ANY hidden fees. We will pay for the entire recovery process upfront and receive reimbursement when we successfully claim your inheritance for you.
How does your company get paid?
Once we successfully claim your asset, the holder will directly mail you a check for your lost funds, less our fee. (The fee is always agreed upon before the recovery process begins).
If the assets are mine, why do I need you?
Claiming your asset is a process that requires expertise, time, attention, and upfront costs such as legal fees. People hire us for different reasons. We work with people whose lives are busy, and individuals who want to reduce risk and increase their odds of success, all while speeding up payment. All our clients find our services to be valuable.
What are the odds that I could do this myself?
That will depend on your experience, time availability, and the difficulty of proving your right of ownership. Government data shows that a huge amount of claims are rejected for failure to provide proof of ownership which we specialize in finding. Fund holders require irrefutable evidence to avoid lawsuits. Due to our resources, technology, and experience, we have a 90+ percent approval rate.
How would I get paid?
Most often, your check will come directly from the fund holder. However, it could also come from an attorney’s trust account, or our trust account. Circumstances of your claim will determine how distribution occurs.
What should I do?
What happens if you are not successful? Do I lose my claim right?
2707 Killarney Way Tallahassee, FL 32309